
Showing posts from January, 2018

Business Ideas

    My business idea is very simple, to build an entertainment app company that focuses primarily on mobile games. As a child I spent the majority of my time living in the middle of nowhere in Iowa with 2 of my brothers (out of 7 siblings total) and a father that worked from the time we got home from school to the time we were leaving for it. We had to find ways to entertain ourselves, and the way we did that most was by coming up with games to play. I was fortunate enough to have an older brother that was a talented artist and naturally creative person in general. We would hand draw our own cards, make up our own rules, and play the games we had created ourselves. These memories shaped who I am in an important way, and became a catalyst for business aspirations I have to this day.     My intentions are initially to develop a sort of flagship game using the skills I've learned in developing alongside my older brothers talents for design. Some of the things I consid...

Course Expectations

    I took this class because the idea of starting my own business has always been fascinating. Entrepreneurship, from the outside, appears to be the sort of opportunity that allows you to test yourself creatively in ways you can't as an average employee. I've had a dozen job titles over the last 10 years; Tour Guide, Carpenter, Janitor, Metal Plater, Commercial Fisherman, etc. No matter where I worked I couldn't help but fantasize about the things I would do differently, how processes could be made more effective or efficient, the management styles I did or did not respect. The idea of creating something and having as much control as is possible in a free market, to test those ideas first hand, and to be involved in shaping something people enjoy, is an alluring one. I have no delusions about the weaknesses and bad habits I certainly have to work on, but I hope this class can give me a solid enough understanding of how to take that first step into creating a business ...