Mission and Vision Statements

In class we had an exercise exploring the importance of providing mission statements, vision statements, and values for your business. Not only do they set a standard for the company as a whole to aspire to, but they outline a focus that every employee can take into consideration any time they make a decision affecting the company. When potential employees, investors, or customers want to know exactly what sort of company they might be dealing with, these statements provide a good idea of the sort of things we might consider of importance. It's difficult to come up with statements that are simple enough to comprehend, yet powerful enough to inspire, but we gave it a shot anyways. My business idea is of a Mobile Game App company, so my focus was on creativity. These are the rough drafts of what I would consider my business statements:

Vision: Develop a brand immediately recognized by any gamer, by inspiring creativity and fascination from within our virtual universe.

Mission: Reinvigorate the virtual pet gaming genre with a world that is considered entertaining enough to invest quality time in.

 - Inspire wonder: Create a world people want to learn about, and immerse themselves in.
-  Have fun: What's a video game without fun? Even employees should enjoy the process.
-  Push boundaries: Don't be afraid to try new ideas, embrace technology.
-  Brand integrity: Develop a brand worth being proud of, never compromise it's purpose.
-  Community outreach: Support the community that supports us.
-  Broad fan-base support: Give everyone the opportunity to feel like the game is for them.


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